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Are you a Spiritual Misfit?  Are you searching for your purpose?  If so, this book is for you!  Join Me as I’ll be signing my book, Not From Here; A Spiritual Misfit’s Guide to Finding Purpose and Belonging at this year’s Rocky Ripple Festival!

What readers are saying!  “Liberating.  Amazing.  Insightful.  Powerful.  A perfect tool for Misfits.  A Great Self-Help book.  Finally, someone who “gets it!”.

The Rocky Ripple Festival is held each year in our unique Indianapolis neighborhood, just across the Central Canal from Butler University. An eclectic set of bands play throughout the day. Over 80 artists bring their unique items for sale. Beer and wine are provided by the Broad Ripple Brewpub. A variety of food offerings are available from local vendors. Children activities are held around the playground.

All at a family-friendly admission price – Free!

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