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If you have ever watched people doing tai chi and thought it looked relaxing but too complicated to learn, then this is the class for you! We begin each class with physical warm-ups to help loosen our joints and muscles; clear stuck, stagnant mental energy; and connect with our Chi (or Qi) – life force energy. You’ll also learn how to connect with the “3 Forces” of Life – Earth, Universal Life Force and Cosmic Heart Qi – and store some of that Qi so you can use it in times of stress.

Tai Chi, the “grandfather of all martial arts”, is also referred to as moving meditation due to its slow, relaxed, circular movements. When practiced regularly, Tai Chi health benefits include:

~ improves physical balance and flexibility;
~ strengthens tendons and joints;
~ enhances cognitive functioning; and
~ reduces emotional stress and anxiety.

LinDel teaches Tai Chi Chi Kung, a 13-movement short form of tai chi as developed by Grandmaster Mantak Chia (author of over 30 books on practicing Chi Kung for health and longevity). Because this is a short form, the moves can be learned fairly quickly. Plus, you don’t need a lot of space to do the form so it’s easier to practice on your own. LinDel teaches in a fun, non-intimidating way and believes, “if you can pat your head and rub your belly at the same time, you can learn tai chi.”


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